Balance WTH!!

What does balance mean?  In yoga it means being able to stand on one foot without falling over or staying steady in a triangle pose, or standing on both feet in mountain pose, firm, grounded.  In life it can mean many things.  I recently took a full-time job working outside of the home Monday through Friday; I’m talking the real deal.  I haven’t had to do this for years, so it has been an interesting transition.  I am fortunate because I like learning new things and I like my coworkers, but I am struggling to find balance with my home and yoga life.  

I had the perfect yoga routine down.  I was teaching 4 to 5 private classes each week along with a corporate class during the day and one evening class.  I am currently down to teaching only the one evening class and trying to work out times with my private students.  I know a home practice is so important, but honestly, I’ve been exhausted at the end of each day and haven’t made the time to get on my mat.  My teacher training’s are suffering a bit because I haven’t put the effort into advertising them.  I currently have one training started along with my 300 hour pilot group which isn’t bad for also having a full-time job.  I have the November retreat coming up which also needs some attention.  

I knew that going back to work was going to be difficult, but I didn’t anticipate feeling so tired and stiff and sore to the point where not much gets done in the short evening hours that remain once I walk in the door. I think back to the years when my girls were little and I juggled working full-time and taking care of them, plus all of their activities and I’m wondering how I did it.  

I am not meaning to complain.  I know a lot of people work full-time jobs.  I know it will just take a while to establish a routine and find some balance between my work life and yoga/home life.  In the meantime, I am giving myself a break at home knowing that if not everything gets done, it’s ok. I try to do a few minutes of yoga here and there, and I do take some deep breaths during the day.  I guess this will have to be enough for now knowing it won’t always be like this.   

Did someone mention playing the lottery?  It sounds like a good idea.  After all, someone has to win!