The 8 Days of Christmas



The year I finished 8 days instead of 12 of my yoga Christmas countdown. 

New Years Eve 2017.jpg

A couple of years ago my yoga friend, Carrie, suggested I do a countdown to Christmas using yoga poses.  I thought, what a great idea!  So I did, and it was a huge hit plus I really enjoyed doing it.  Last year I did the same thing.  This year I started it and quit after posting my 8th day.  Why you ask?  Because, honestly, I ran out of steam and energy and time.  I struggled to come home from work, change into a yoga outfit, do a couple of poses, try to get a decent picture and then post it in a creative way.  There were Christmas presents to wrap, shopping to finish and all of the things I love about Christmas.  The 12 days of yoga Christmas poses just wasn’t coming together.  So I quit at 8.  I was a little disappointed in myself, but mostly it was ok.  

The last two years were different because I worked from home doing a consulting job like I have done for many years.  This July I started a full-time job outside my home and it has totally changed everything.  I had no idea it would take so much of my time and energy.  I blogged after working at the job for a while about needing to find balance or at least a routine.  As of this writing, I still feel I have not found a balance.  Working from home gave me the extra time I needed to do more yoga at home, work on yoga projects (including 12 days of yoga Christmas) and have more time for myself. 

I know that with the New Year rapidly approaching I need to put yoga on the top of my list of things to do more.  I’m feeling more stiff and sore than ever before.  I know that yoga will help me with more than just my physical health.  It helps with everything!

So I’m not making any resolutions except to take better care of myself and spend time with people I love.  I am blessed to have a great boyfriend, kids, family and friends that I love.

I know also that a lot of people are ready to say goodbye to 2017 but I actually loved it, mostly all of it.  I’m sort of sad to see it go.  It means another year has gone by, plus my favorite numbers are 7 and 17. 

In 2018 I am looking forward to graduating my first 300 hour yoga teacher training group, starting another 300 hour group, holding a couple more 200 hour yoga teacher trainings and hosting a yoga gathering. 

Ok 2018.  I guess I’m ready.  Happy New Year!