When one door closes, another one really does open.  Believe me?  Read on.

So I’ve taken the leap and started blogging.  For years I have privately journaled about being a yoga teacher, the ups and downs, and opening and then closing of my two yoga studios (both East and West side).  I’ve decided that many of my yoga teacher friends may actually find some of the things I’ve been through inspiring and helpful in their own journey as teachers, studio owners and students of yoga.  So I hope you find my blog interesting and possibly helpful.  

I am a true blue believer that when on door closes, another one opens.  This happened to me just a few weeks ago.  I had just given my notice to the current studio where I was teaching yoga.  I decided for several reasons that I was ready to get back to my own style of yoga teaching.  (This is another blog itself!)  Anyhow, the very next day I received an email from another yoga teacher friend who asked if I would be interested in co-teaching a new corporate client.  Of course, I said yes, because this is my favorite kind of teaching, not to mention the pay was almost double what I was currently making.  Then, a week later I got a call from another friend asking if I wanted to take over a yoga class that they were teaching at a church.  Again, my favorite style of teaching, and again, double the pay.  So, my friends, when we align with our path, doors open.  Stay true to your path or figure it out like I am doing!  “Thoughts do become things.”  If something in your life isn’t working, consider closing a door. Then let’s wait and see what door opens for you!  I’m excited for you!

I would love to continue to connect with you via Facebook – Evansville Yoga Teacher Training and/or Chris Crews.  On Twitter – Evansville Yoga.  And of course, I would love to have you on my email list!  Let’s stay connected.  I have so much to share with you!  Namaste’ Chris