Vacations are good too!

 Vacation, what’s not to love!  As I sit here on the beach on my last day of vacation, I could beat myself up for not accomplishing all that I wanted to do on this trip, but instead I can only think how lucky I am to have all the blessings and opportunities in life that I have.  This is my third Florida vacation this year.  It was a monumental year since I turned 50 – a trip was necessary for my birthday!  Then in June we took a family vacation which was great since my sister and her kids were able to join us.  Now this trip was just my youngest daughter and I, just a getaway for no reason. 

As I’m getting older, I am so drawn to the beauty and magnificence of the ocean.  It is vast, powerful and beautiful, as is life and each one of us.  We have so many chances to embrace life.  I think my yoga practice has made me realize what life has to offer.  I had time with my daughter to shop, laugh and talk.  I took beach walks every day.  I journaled.  I blogged.  I slept great and had good food.  I went to four great hot yoga classes.  I kept up on email, Facebook (I know right!?) and text messages. Time on and off the mat is beautiful and needed and all part of this life we are living.  I hope you have experienced some joy off you’re your mat as well as on it.  Here’s to vacation and life!  You deserve it all!