We aren’t all saints.

Let’s face it, we all have gone out and tied one on the night before and had a huge headache we were nursing the next day, but let me give you a heads up, if you are a yoga teacher, with a following, don’t go talking about it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you get the picture.  Yoga students sometimes put their yoga teachers on a bit of a pedestal and the last thing they want to be reading about is how hungover you are and that you aren’t sure how you are going to teach your yoga class (which they may be attending).  That’s not to say you can’t go out and have a great time and even post pictures of drinks, (I confess, I’ve done it.) but just use some discretion.

The same goes for how you look when you show up to teach.  Again, we have all shown up to teach a class and haven’t felt our best but that is when we can make a little statement about “feeling a little under the weather” and toughing it out and our students usually appreciate knowing that we are human and we get sick too.  But if your reason for showing up half-dressed is because you overslept or some other lame reason, like a hangover, as a yoga teacher, you need to take a look at your priorities or at least don’t make it a habit.  

I try to show up to teach prepared, clean, well-dressed (or at least dressed appropriately for the class I am teaching).  I show up to teach how I would like my teachers to show up. Think about how your favorite teachers show up and maybe aspire to be like them!  That’s what I do!