Only you can change your life!

I was talking with someone the other day that is so miserable with their job that they feel like they can barely go on.  They are constantly exhausted, sleep deprived, etc.  You get the picture.  And maybe you know someone like this.  Maybe it is you. 

Believe me, I’ve done jobs I haven’t liked one bit, and I found out really quickly that I was the only one that could change things.  No matter how much complaining I did to my family, my friends, etc., nothing was going to change my miserable job except me.  This is when I turned to meditation, journaling and vision boards to help me along.  In meditation I can find little nudging’s about what to do next.  Sometimes it takes a while to hear and sometimes things are a bit fuzzy, but this is when I really let my journaling kick in.  I write out pros and cons of my job. I write out possibilities for change.  I write out my options.  Seeing them on paper makes them achievable. And then there are vision boards.  I turn to magazines and while flipping through, I see pictures and words of things that resonate with me.  These pictures and words I tape to a poster board. and I look at it all the time.  (It’s posted behind my bathroom door.)  These are my vision.  These are where I see myself.  And if these things don’t help you, or you have no clue what you want to do with your life, there are lots of books that can help guide you.

Now I know that a lot of us can’t quit the miserable jobs we have, but we can quit complaining about it every day and try to find something about it that we do like.  Maybe finding just one tiny thing will make it seem less miserable.  And then there are those hours when we aren’t at that miserable job and in those hours we can do things for ourselves that make us really happy!  (For me that is taking a yoga class.)  So find something that makes you happy, even if you can’t do it all day long!  Life is too short to be miserable every day of your life!   You can change it, really!