You know all those things you've always wanted to do? You should do them!

How many times have we told ourselves that we would wait until next year, next week or next month to begin something or do something we've always wanted to do? We have all done it, over and over, we tell ourselves that now isn't the time and we have reasons, or excuses, why.  Some are valid, some are not.  Sometimes things we want take planning, I agree, like my trip.  

I am currently in Florida for the month.  This is something I have thought about for several years.  I don't do Winter well in Indiana.  I don't like the cold, gray days.  So last year, about mid-year, I decided to make it happen.  I researched places to stay.  I looked at my calendar.  I worked on keeping it as clear as I could and here I am, on the beach for 31 days. 

If there is something that you are wanting to do, start, begin, etc. get clear about it. I was very clear.  I could see myself walking on the beach over and over.  Write it down.  Journal about it.  Have it on your vision board.  See it.  Believe it. Sometimes waiting is the right thing, but sometimes it is just an excuse.  

I hope this inspires you to do something you've always wanted, something you've dreamed about.